b'Your OutfitWEAR WHAT MAKES YO U C O M FO R TABLE AND C O NFI DENT.If you have the option to have a personal outfit in your session pick something you feel good in. If you feel good you will look great. Before your session spend some time choosing what you will wear. If youre not sure what outfits will work bring several along and ask your photographer for his or her opinion. Theyre professionals so theyll know instantly what looks good in a photo and what doesnt.Avoid neon colors, graphic shirts with big words or logos.Stay away from fabrics that are prone to wrinkling or cling to you in unflattering ways.Choose both casual and formal outfits to offer variety during the shoot.Incorporate a variety of colors that are still consistent with your everyday style.Avoid too much solid black. Break it up with other colors and patterns.Choose flattering fits, styles, and fabrics that complement your natural shape from all angles.Accessorize with hats, scarves, necklaces, etc. but dont go overboard.Never be afraid of incorporating patterns, as long as the pattern isnt overwhelming.Be yourself and comfortable in your outfit choices so you can focus on the shoot, not fixing your clothes, throughout the session.'